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Saturday, September 15, 2012

It's Nice to Meet You Vive La Casa

Vive, Inc. also known as Vive La Casa is located at 50 Wyoming Avenue on the east side of Buffalo. It is a building that serves as a house of  refuge for asylum seekers in the US and to Canada. People journey thousands of miles from all over the world to get to Vive.  On any given day, you may see individuals and families from more than 106 countries across the globe. Of course, if you aren't familiar with our organization, you may be curious about what we do. 

Vive is a 501 (c)3 non profit that offers legal assistance, food, clothing and a dormitory style living environment for those in various stages of the asylum process. Vive is the largest refugee shelter in the United States whose primary mission is to assist asylum seekers. Since its' founding, Vive has assisted over 84,000 persons in the asylum process. Vive, a place of refuge and a starting point for a new life of freedom...

Now that we've been introduced, stop by and see us! 

Because Everyone Should Know Freedom

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